Home>Life & Work supplies>Outdoor Gear>Double Arc Gyro Electronic Pulse Lighter – Advanced Rechargeable Lighter with Windproof Technology
Double Arc Gyro Electronic Pulse Lighter – Advanced Rechargeable Lighter with Windproof Technology Item NO.: 1784590
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CopyProduct Name | Double Arc Gyro Electronic Pulse Lighter – Advanced Rechargeable Lighter with Windproof Technology |
Item NO. | 1784590 |
Weight | 0 kg = 0.0000 lb = 0.0000 oz |
Category | Life & Work supplies > Outdoor Gear |
Brand | GradGearHub |
Creation Time | 2024-07-26 |
WOW! I bought this for my dad and he and I are addicted to it.
- Rechargeable electric tungsten wire/arc pulse lighter, using environmentally friendly, clean, and low-carbon electrical energy instead of traditional gas and fuel energy.
USB interface charging, recyclable, can basically replace the range of use of traditional lighters.
Arc lighters can generate harmless arc sparks, and only need to ignite the igniter when it comes into contact with the arc spark, without generating harmful gases or flames to the human body, More safe and environmentally friendly.
- Charging through USB interface can be connected to any charger with an output voltage of DC5V and an output current of 1.0A, such as a computer or mobile phone charger; It can be fully charged for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time, and the red indicator light will be on during charging. After fully charging, the indicator light will automatically turn off.
After fully charging, it can be used 100 to 300 times, and can be used for about 6 packs of incense or for about a week.
- Material:Zinc alloy
- Size:65*55*20mm
- 1 * Double Arc Gyro Electronic Pulse Lighter
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